Monday, June 2, 2008

Don(u)t trust your stylist...

Dunkin' Donuts caved to blogosphere pressure and pulled a print ad because some right-wing folks (most notably Michelle Malkin) felt that Rachel Ray's scarf was a terrorist fashion statement.


What's odd about this (OK, what's additionally odd about this) is that a keffiyeh generally carries a checkered pattern. I have yet to see a terrorist sporting paisley, but then again I'm not acquainted with many terrorists. I have noticed a big move in fashion this spring toward classic prep, so perhaps the keffiyeh will soon be out in Madras and Seersucker in addition to the apparent trend of paisley. (Is there a Baghdad J. Crew?)

It's worth noting that Rachel is not wearing this scarf on her head, and that the keffiyeh is a male accessory in the first place.

Given the various inconsistencies with this scarf being mistaken for a keffiyeh, I have to wonder what's next to offend. The end flag at the Indy 500? My grandmother's picnic tablecloth? That lady at the gym who walks around with nothing but a towel on her head after a strenuous Spin session?

That Dunkin' Donuts chose to pull this ad is a sad testament to the state of political correctness.

Sometimes a scarf is just a scarf. Really.

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