I don't generally read e-mails that contain Fw: fw: fw: in the subject line (or even one Fw:, truth be told), but I'm so glad I opened this one.
My house has a population of extremely active squirrels, due to me living by a creek and having a yard full of mature oak trees.
Having watched the dogs stalk the occasional sassy squirrel (they sometimes taunt the dogs from the relative safety of a branch or the not-so-safe location of the fenceline), this one cracked me up.
I so wish my dogs spoke English so I could show them this post as a cautionary tale. Ah, well - perhaps the imagery will translate to them, Sonja Fitzpatrick-style.
I'll admit that I found myself laughing at this dog, until I realized that a squirrel flying out of a tree to attack me would scare the holy bajeez outta me, and I too would flee in fear and horror.
Well done, attack squirrel. Well done.
Survival of the fittest (due to good genes):
Monday, June 15, 2009
Word to your Mother
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Wolf T-shirt is worth 1,000 words
Since I work for a T-shirt company, it's a rare day that I find a T-shirt that gives me a tingly sensation in my nether-regions.
And yet, here it stands, proudly and unashamed, in all its airbrushed glory: Three Wolf Moon, the object of my affection.
Sure, CafePress has a lot of wolf T-shirts - but the only one I could find with three wolves doesn't have then howling. And two puppies probably only equal an eighth of a wolf anyway.
The reviews of this shirt glow with colorful accolades and tales (tails?) of the wonderful exploits that the wearer is afforded simply by donning such a garment, and so I am tempted to stray outside the realm of employee discount and order this fabulous homage to c. lupus, prehistoric ancestor of my four unruly mutts.
And yet, that discount can afford me other wolf T-shirt classics printed on American Apparel organics... so not only would my purchase be cheaper, it'd be better for the environment. And that's just better for the wolves.
Oh, what to do? I can only hope that this pickle resolves itself so that I'm able to make a decision in time to wear this to my next formal event. Because I can only wear my tuxedo t-shirt so many times.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Obama is my hopeboy
I have been horribly remiss about writing this blog, because I just have too many other blogs and activities to want to blog more in my spare time. But this morning I ran across a hilarious t-shirt, and since CafePress has like a gozillion Obama T-shirts and Gifts and since I feel like I've seen most of them and since this one was a new one for me, I figured I'd share it.
And so there it is. Obama is my hopeboy. Word.
I do think that it's radically groovy that we could have outfitted everyone in the Mall on Inauguration Day with a different CafePress Obama product. Sweet.